December 3, 2017 Save the Gift Wrap, But don’t forget the gift.
It’s so easy to get caught up in the “gift wrapping” that comes along with our Christmas celebration. You know, the beauty of the lights and the greenery, the stories and traditions, the memories that deepen our longing for a Christmas “just like the ones we used to know.”
It’s so easy to become infatuated with the wonders of Christmas that we might miss the irreplaceable gift inside the wrapping – Jesus Christ.
This week we begin our Advent sermon series focusing on the things we save each Christmas – gift wrap, gift receipts, and memories. Looking through the lens of the things we save at Christmas, we’ll rediscover the Christmas story according to God’s Word.
I hope your Thanksgiving was as blessed as mine. If, like me, you ate a bit too much pumpkin pie and turkey, December might be a good time to fast in preparation for Christmas and the new year (I hear some of you laughing but I’m serious!).
In Christ’s Grace and Peace, Pastor Bob
Isaiah 53:1-12