Why so many people struggle with the concept of a God who can and will say no is a mystery. In the Bible there are numerous examples of godly people who accept God's "No" because their faith opens them to believing that the God of yesterday, today, and tomorrow has a better plan for our lives than anything we can conceive.
- Jan 22, 2017Beyond the NO
Jan 22, 2017Beyond the NOBy: Rev. Jeff AllenSeries: (All)January 22, 2017 Beyond the No - What do we do when God says no.Sometimes God says yes. Sometimes not yet. Sometimes no.
Why so many people struggle with the concept of a God who can and will say no is a mystery. In the Bible there are numerous examples of godly people who accept God's "No" because their faith opens them to believing that the God of yesterday, today, and tomorrow has a better plan for our lives than anything we can conceive.
- Jan 15, 2017What is Baptism
Jan 15, 2017What is BaptismBy: Rev. Bob WeeksSeries: (All)January 15, 2017 What is Baptism? - This Sunday we'll explore baptism - its glory and its mysteries - and also answer from Scripture some of the most common questions Christians and non-Christians have about this sacred act of God.
- Jan 1, 2017A Resolution to Bless and Amaze the World
Jan 1, 2017A Resolution to Bless and Amaze the WorldBy: Chad BrownSeries: (All)January 1, 2017 Fresh Start Psalm 76:5-7 - Chad Brown New Year's Day sermon entitled "A Resolution to Bless and Amaze the World."
New Year's Day falls exactly seven days after Christmas Day - when hope was born in Bethlehem! In Revelation 21:5, our Lord Jesus Christ proclaims that He will make all things new. Is it possible that January 1, coming so soon after the birth of hope for people everywhere, can represent a new beginning for all of us and for our Church? Can we commit again to be a people of courageous faith, of sacrificial love, of never-failing hope in the One who was born to set us free from the law of sin and death?
- Dec 24, 2016December 24, 2016 Christmas Eve 11 PM
Dec 24, 2016December 24, 2016 Christmas Eve 11 PMBy: Rev. Bob WeeksSeries: (All)December 24, 2016 Christmas Eve 11 PM Service
- Dec 24, 2016December 24, 2106 Christmas Eve 7 PM Service
Dec 24, 2016December 24, 2106 Christmas Eve 7 PM ServiceBy: Rev. Bob WeeksSeries: (All)December 24, 2016 Christmas Eve 7 PM Service
- Dec 18, 2016Joseph Accepting God’s Will
Dec 18, 2016Joseph Accepting God’s WillBy: Rev. Bob WeeksSeries: (All)December 18, 2016 Joseph Accepting God's Will. The story of Joseph is an aspect of the story of Christmas that is often overlooked.
The story of Joseph is an aspect of the story of Christmas that is often overlooked. It is about a man who quietly accepts God's will, even when it runs against the grain of societal propriety. Today he is revered as a patron saint of the Catholic church and of unborn children, fathers, immigrants, workers, employment, carpenters, realtors, against doubt and hesitation, and of a happy death. But in his life, he was simply a husband, father, and carpenter.
How appropriate that he should be the patron saint "against doubt and hesitation." When an angel revealed the identity of Mary's yet-to-be-born child, Joseph expressed no doubt nor hesitation in accepting his role as the earthly father of the Son of God. From that time on we see a Joseph as a protective father who cared for his wife and son with loving dedication.
God may never have spoken to you through an angel as he did to Joseph, but his Holy Word has clear instructions for every one of us. Above all, we are told to love God with every fabric of our being and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. May that love of God and neighbor enrich all our hearts this Christmas season.
- Dec 11, 2016Hope to Your Future
Dec 11, 2016Hope to Your FutureBy: Rev. Bob WeeksSeries: (All)
God can bring Peace to your Past, Purpose to your present, and Hope to your future. John 14:27
John the Baptist was a young man, probably in his late-twenties, when he began his wilderness ministry. To the common men and women of Judea he was a prophet in the mode of Elijah, sent by God to prepare the way for the promised Messiah.
This was his life's purpose - to share a message of hope in the One who would fulfill all God's promises. Thrust into prison by King Herod, his entire life's hope rested in Jesus. There were many signs and prophecies pointing to Jesus as the One. But before John's execution took place, his heart longed to know if his life's passions and exertions had been in vain. Did Jesus himself believe himself to be the Messiah?
Yes! When John sent a message to Jesus asking if he was the promised One, Jesus answered in unequivocal terms that He was the One. He pointed to his actions, his miracles, his fulfillment of prophecy.
Those same evidences, described in the world's most miraculous collection of writings, the Bible, are ours today. They remind us that ours is not a hope pulled out of thin air but firmly planted in reason and faith. May that hope grow in us all during this Advent season!
- Dec 4, 2016Lord I Will Wait
Dec 4, 2016Lord I Will WaitBy: Rev. Bob WeeksSeries: (All)Lord I will wait. So what is patience for the believer in Christ? Matthew 3:1-12
- Nov 27, 2016Great Expectations First Sunday of Advent 11AM
Nov 27, 2016Great Expectations First Sunday of Advent 11AMBy: Chad BrownGreat Expectations Chad Brown November 27, 2016 11AM Service
- Nov 27, 2016Great Expectations First Sunday of Advent
Nov 27, 2016Great Expectations First Sunday of AdventBy: Judith CarikerSeries: (All)Great Expectations Judith Cariker November 27, 2016 8:30 Service