Moses: The Choice of No Other God

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Jan 20, 2019 Moses: The Choice of No Other God

Sermon Series: Choices – Biblical examples of faithful decision making

Thou shalt have no other Gods before me. (Exodus 20:3)

The greatest choice every human being must make, not just once but over and over is: “Who or what will I serve?” For Moses, there was no God in his life but the God of Deliverance, the God Who is Faithful, the God Who Alone Can Save. Every good choice Moses ever made in life was based on his firmly held choice to serve that God.

The choice for us is the same as it was for Moses. Daily we make choices on who or what controls our lives – who will be our gods. Addictions, obsessions, fears, prideful ambition, resentment…. so many things can capture our hearts and minds. All the while we push the God who created us and sent his son to die for us to the darkest corners of our souls, placing all these emotions and worldly forces on the throne of our lives.

Choosing to follow the God of Moses is not only life-saving; it’s soul-saving. Who will you and I follow in the coming days and years? Who will we choose?

Our Sunday morning sermons in January and February are focusing on CHOICES. Like Joseph and Moses and other people of faith in the Bible, our United Methodist denomination has some critical choices to make in the near future. Over 800 delegates from around the world will meet in St. Louis at a General Conference of the UMC in St. Louis from February 23-26 to attempt to make decisions around the issues of human sexuality and biblical authority that divide our church.

As we pray for this conference and God’s will to be done, it seems wise to turn to the Bible and study the men and women who, in their own time, made the critical choice to follow God.

Please pray and ask for God to guide us all in the coming days.

Peace in Christ, Pastor Bob

Hebrews 11:27