November 19, 2017 The Days of Whine and Woeses
This Sunday is just four days before Thanksgiving! To help turn our hearts toward a spirit of thanksgiving, we will have three special guests joining us from Woe Is Us UMC in Lowland County, Virginia:
Ima Whiner, Office Administrator
Joyless Chintzy, Choir Director
The Reverend Bob Tweaks, Pastor
These three experts on whining and grumbling will share some of the challenges they face at Woe is Us UMC and how they have learned to tolerate life in a dysfunctional church.
After the staff from Woe Is Us UMC shares their wisdom with us, I will join with Shawna Hiner and Joy Tinsley in a time of reflection about moving our hearts toward thanksgiving for the blessings we have received by God’s grace.
In Christ’s Grace and Peace, Pastor Bob
Romans 12:4-21