Oct 2, 2011
Beams of God’s Grace
By: Rev. Bob Weeks
Series: Lessons from Creation

- Oct 2, 2011Beams of God’s Grace
Oct 2, 2011Beams of God’s GraceBy: Rev. Bob WeeksSeries: Lessons from Creation
The first in 5 sermons in October dealing with ways in which the Creation reveals God's character. This sermon focuses on the unique universal element we call light. The first epistle of John not only familiarly declares that God is love; it also reveals that God is light. Pastor Bob meditates on how the characteristics of physical light reveal the very character of God.
- Sep 25, 2011Has Your Tongue Confessed Jesus as Lord
Sep 25, 2011Has Your Tongue Confessed Jesus as LordBy: Rev. Rob HoskinsSeries: District Pulpit Exchange
- Sep 18, 2011Stones of Remembrance
Sep 18, 2011Stones of RemembranceBy: Rev. Bob WeeksSeries: Light in the Darkness
The story of the children of Israel entering The Promised Land begins with a significant lesson in the importance of remembering the works of the Lord. Crossing the Jordan, whose waters have been held back by the power of God, each tribe is instructed to choose a stone to serve as a "stone of remembrance" of this day. What are our stones of remembrance? How do we make sure that we do not forget what the Lord has done for us?
- Sep 11, 2011God, the Cross and 9-11
Sep 11, 2011God, the Cross and 9-11By: Rev. Bob WeeksSeries: Light in the Darkness
Where was God on 9-11? Pastor Bob looks back ten years later and realizes that faith in the cross of Christ and in God's final victory over sin must be the foundation of our answer to that question. He wonders where was his faith as a Pastor, why wasn't he bold enough in his faith at the time to unabashedly proclaim the gospel of God's grace and forgiveness to a community of faith caught up in its anger and desire to strike back at those who had struck such a hideous blow against our nation.
- Sep 4, 2011Christ Will Come Again
- Aug 28, 2011God’s Word Is Not Chained
- Aug 21, 2011Designed for Life
Aug 21, 2011Designed for LifeBy: Rev. Bob WeeksSeries: This We Believe
Scripture Reading: Galatians 2:20, John 10:7-10 and 1 John 5:11-13 Our God designed us for life - real life! But that life does not happen apart from a relationship with the Life-Giver. The apostle Paul shares with us in Galatians 2 the greatest mystery in the universe: we are crucified with Christ, yet we live because Christ is alive in us. This is the next-to-last sermon in our summer series: "This We Believe."
- Aug 14, 2011Building Your Own Altar
- Salt and Light
Salt and LightBy: Rev. Bob WeeksSeries: Life 101The greatest threat to authentic discipleship in today's world may be the brick walls of our churches. Rather than shining as lights on a stand (Matthew 5:15), we often take on the nature of secret societies, huddling together in scarcely filled sanctuaries fearing for our future.In this week's portion of The Sermon on The Mount, Jesus paints a contrasting portrait of a people whose actions glorify God as they serve as agents of change shining in the darkness - an image strikingly different from the "escapism" of our culture that encourages us to create "safe spaces" away from the injustice and pain of the world; spaces that keep us away from the very people we are called to serve.I'm excited about this sermon series and the challenge of this passage of Holy Scripture. May we live out Jesus' vision for his church not only in Verona but as we go out into the world with the Gospel!Grace and peace, Pastor Bob