Jesus Defines “Great”

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August 11, 2019 Jesus defines “Great”

Well, it’s back-to-school week for our community! Looking back on my grade-school years, that’s about a month less than the summer break we enjoyed (or endured once we ran out of things to do!).

We pray for and appreciate the teachers, staff, administrators, and yes, the parents who support their children’s education in public, private, and home school settings. May God make this a year when young minds grow, faith blooms, and every child learns the meaning of Jesus’ call for us to care for and cherish each other. May the light of Christ outshine the darkness that sometimes tragically invades our public places.

And may we all learn again that what makes a people great is not the power of the purse but the power of the love in our hearts that moves us to become the servants of even the least among us.

Please keep in your prayers the shut-ins, those facing surgery and recovering from surgery, and all those whose hearts have been broken by the loss of a loved one.

This Sunday we will look at Mark 9: 33-37 and hear Jesus define what makes a person great. I hope to see you in worship and Sunday School!

In Christ, Pastor Bob

Mark 9:33-37