Nov 25, 2018
Thy Kingdom Come

November 25, 2018 Thy Kingdom Come

Pastor Jeff Allen

Matthew 25: 31-46

  • Nov 25, 2018Thy Kingdom Come
    Nov 25, 2018
    Thy Kingdom Come

    November 25, 2018 Thy Kingdom Come

    Pastor Jeff Allen

    Matthew 25: 31-46

  • Nov 18, 2018Thanks Living
    Nov 18, 2018
    Thanks Living

    November 18, 2018 “Thanks Living”

    It's hard to believe it's just a week before Thanksgiving Day!

    The days are speeding by quickly and if we're not careful we'll miss the opportunity to fully appreciate their meaning. Thanksgiving, the Advent Season, Christmas Eve and Day, the first day of a new year.... all are times to reflect and give thanks and praise to God for the gifts of life, fellowship, and hope.​_

    I hope you will take advantage of our regular and special worship services during the coming weeks to grow your faith and devotion to God's Kingdom. We begin with this Sunday's Thanksgiving worship services in the morning and join together with area churches in our annual Community Thanksgiving Service at Mt. Sidney UMC (I'll be preaching, but don't let that keep you away!).

    During Advent our Scripture lessons and sermons will focus on "The Christmas Story According to John." While Matthew and Luke are the traditional tellers of the story of Christ's birth, John's account points squarely to the purpose of Jesus' coming into the world, revealing his true nature as the Living Word, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

    God is at work in our congregation and our Aisle 7 Fellowship campus. Please keep lifting up your prayers to God that we will be faithful to the mission he has given us. And as you pass the stuffing around the table next Thursday, remember to say a prayer or two (or more) of thanksgiving for God's leading, saving, and transforming grace in Jesus Christ.

    Grace and peace, Pastor Bob

    1 Cor. 4:13-18

  • Nov 11, 2018When We All Get To Heaven
    Nov 11, 2018
    When We All Get To Heaven

    November 11, 2018 When We All Get To Heaven

    Election Day, November 6th

    I just came into the church office after voting. Now, siting at my desk, I'm reflecting on why it was so important that I took the time to vote. Here's why....

     In our nation voting is a privilege and a civic responsibility. It is the occasionally inspiring, sometimes disappointing, frequently frustrating act of fallen human beings placing their trust in a government led by their fellow fallen human beings while trusting in God's providential grace.

    When I vote I am not saying I believe in the infallibility of the candidates and their parties. I am not saying that one party has all the answers or that any one party's platform can create heaven on earth. If I believed that, I would be practicing idolatry.

     I vote because God has called us to be caretakers of this world we have inherited - and caretakers of each other. I vote because God in his providence has placed me in a nation where voting can bring about change, even if it is frequently slow and cumbersome and imperfect. I vote because I believe that many of the founding principles of this nation are in tune with those of God's Word, even though our history demonstrates that we often fall woefully short of upholding those principles [slavery, segregation, materialism above charity and justice, pleasure above morality, to name but a few.]

     I vote hoping I will not forget that there is but one Savior and one way to true life and peace. When I vote, I pray that God will somehow use that vote to bring into this world a little less chaos and a lot more kindness. I pray for all the candidates who ran but lost and for all those elected, that they will serve with wisdom and fairness. And I pray that through our votes we will live into the vision of a nation where there is liberty and justice for all.

     Especially at this juncture in our nation's history, I pray for all those in our world whose lives will be altered - for better or for worse - by our votes, including the "tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the homeless and tempest tossed (Emma Lazarus)." There are almost 70 million refugees worldwide, half of whom are children. One out of every eight persons in our world are undernourished, most of them non-adults. And twelve percent of the world's population live within 50 miles of a war zone, many of them innocent children and the elderly. Can we truly be great as a nation if we vote without considering the impact on the lives of the poorest and most vulnerable among us, from the unborn to the elderly and all in between?

     Finally, as I vote, I pray that God will bless America not for our personal comfort and security, but so that we can be a blessing to all nations. I voted today and I pray that you voted, too - prayerfully and with the assurance that God's "truth is marching on!"

    Grace and peace, Pastor Bob

    Revelation 21:1-11;22-27

  • Oct 28, 2018How Awesome Is This Place
    Oct 28, 2018
    How Awesome Is This Place

    October 28, 2018 How Awesome Is This Place!

    Verona UMC is an awesome place and an awesome church family. I know, because as pastor I witness daily the untold and uncounted good works and faith-filled actions of our members. Thank you to everyone who makes this a place we should be happy to come home to, not just on Homecoming Sunday but every day of the year!

    Grace and peace, Pastor Bob

    Genesis 28:10-22

  • Oct 14, 2018I Love My Church – Here’s Why!
    Oct 14, 2018
    I Love My Church – Here’s Why!

    October 14, 2018 I Love My Church – Here’s Why!

    There was a point in my life where I had given up on church. Brought up as a twice-on-Sunday, once-on-Wednesday church goer, I finally had had enough somewhere in my early 30's.

    After moving into a new community, my wife and I were having a hard time finding a church where we felt truly welcome. I had been a Bible major for a while in college and was a life-long student of the Bible so I set a high bar for a church's doctrines and beliefs. I came to a point where I truly despaired of ever finding a church home again.

    So I avoided church on Sundays for a year or so. We were living on a farm and there were lots of chores to catch up on every weekend. I even adopted the excuse used by many good men that "I can be just as close to God out in nature as I can in a church sanctuary."

    Obviously (since I'm a pastor now), at some point I did join a church. Amazingly, it was a small, rural United Methodist congregation, part of a denomination that I had always assumed wasn't for me. After all, the Methodists in my hometown used to host dances for their youth - obviously they were not taking God's Word seriously!

    So why did I join that particular church? What was the difference between that small United Methodist church with about 30 members and every other church in town, most with beautiful sanctuaries and programs galore? It was because we belonged there. We just knew this was where God had led us.

    Yes, the church we chose (or God chose for us) had a preacher in his 70's, a dying Sunday School program, painfully uncomfortable pews used as tables for amputations during the Civil War, and a bathroom that could only be accessed by walking outside and into another small building.There was even an organist who left her bench precisely at noon each Sunday lest she miss her tee time at the golf course. (I'm serious, she would get up and leave before the final hymn if the preacher was too long-winded).

    Still, this is where God had led us. Despite its many shortcomings, this church was filled with divine love. And it was in that small church that I fell in love with God and his church again. It was there that God called me to become a Pastor. It was there that God reminded me that we weren't meant to follow Jesus alone.

    We all need a place to belong so that we can become the person God wants us to be. A place of love and grace where the Good News of Jesus is preached and the Scriptures heard and obeyed by the grace of God. I believe Verona UMC is such a place. That's why I love my church!

    Grace and peace, Pastor Bob

    Psalm 84:1-4

  • Sep 16, 2018Love Is
    Sep 16, 2018
    Love Is

    September 16, 2018 Building on God’s Love – Youth Sunday 2018

    Our youth will bless the church this Sunday as we celebrate "Youth Sunday" at the 8:30 and 11:00 services. Music will be led by our youth band and the message from I Corinthians 13 will be shared by Paige Sailor. Other youth will lead us in prayers and Scripture readings.

    I'm always amazed at how God uses our youth under the leadership of Bill and Carolyn Harlow and the help of other adults who regularly accompany the youth group on mission trips. Over the years our youth have served others from Mexico to the Dominican Republic to sites throughout the United States. Please come on Sunday and be blessed by this remarkable group of disciples of Jesus!

    Grace and peace, Pastor Bob

    1 Corinithans 13:4-8a

  • May 13, 2018The Holy Spirit…Get Up!
    May 13, 2018
    The Holy Spirit…Get Up!

    May 13, 2018 “The Holy Spirit….Get Up!

    Our message on Sunday morning will come from Acts 3, the story of Peter and John and a man unable to walk since birth. I'll share from the Bible the purpose of signs and miracles and why they still hold a purpose in today's church if we are to "get up!" and spread the good news of Jesus.

                      Grace and peace,

                      Pastor Bob Weeks

    Acts 3:1-10

  • May 6, 2018God’s Hunger is Greater Than Ours!
    May 6, 2018
    God’s Hunger is Greater Than Ours!

    May 6, 2018 “God’s Hunger is Greater Than ours!”

    Guest preacher Reverend Tommy Herndon, 

    Harrisonburg District Superintendent

    Isaiah 55:1-3

  • Apr 1, 2018Surprise, Jesus is Alive
    Apr 1, 2018
    Surprise, Jesus is Alive

    April 1, 2018 Easter Sunday - Jesus is Alive

    There's tremendous irony in the coming of Easter on April Fools Day.

          Here's why: After Jesus' death, his followers scattered and shrank away into the dark shadows of Jerusalem. Only a few women had the courage to approach his tomb, not to see if he had risen but to anoint his body. In everyone's eyes, Rome, as always, had triumphed and the religious authorities had rid themselves of one more false messiah.

          Jesus was dead. Period. That was the universal perception of what had happened. So much so that when the women ran to tell Peter and the disciples that Jesus was alive, the disciples thought they were hysterical; spreading an idle tale. They rebuked the women using the Greek word for nonsense. You might say their response was "This is an April Fools joke, right?"

          Despite six predictions in the Gospel of Luke that Jesus would rise from the dead, it seems that not a single disciple - including the women who were initially shocked and disbelieving at the sight of the empty tomb - believed that Jesus would actually rise from the grave. It was the greatest April Fool's prank of all time and it fooled everyone. No one thought it could be true. Yet it was. Eventually the Apostle Paul reports that there were 500 witnesses to the resurrected Christ and the foolishness of the cross and resurrection became the centerpiece of his preaching.

          Happy April Fool's Day and Happy Easter! May we all believe in the foolishness of the world's wisdom, and in the wisdom of Christ's foolishness.

                                                           In Christ's Grace and Peace,

                                                                                   Pastor Bob

    I Cor. 15:1-11; 1:18-25

  • Mar 25, 2018The Gate of the Lord
    Mar 25, 2018
    The Gate of the Lord

    March 25, 2018 The Gate of the Lord

    This Sunday's worship services will include the procession of the palms as we shout "Hosanna!" to the King Jesus Christ. We'll hear from God's Word why into the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth, and the Light. Our worship will prepare us for the events of that holy week when Jesus walked the final steps toward his death and resurrection, opening the way for our salvation.


    Plan now to participate in a week of prayer and praise during this Holy Week, March 25-30. 


    There's an interesting phenomenon concerning the week before Easter. Many churches will focus on Palm Sunday the week before Easter, and then go home and rest up for Easter. What is missing from this equation? The last days of Jesus' life on earth, including the Last Supper, the betrayal, the trial, the crucifixion and burial. In other words, much of the heart of the Gospel is missing from our teaching and worship.

    That's why I encourage you to spend time this week reading those last chapters of the Gospel accounts of the life of Jesus - and why I encourage you to come and be part of our Holy (Maundy) Thursday at 7 p.m. and Good Friday worship service at 7:30 p.m. I encourage you to invite a neighbor, friend, or co-worker!

    In Christ's Grace and Peace,

    Pastor Bob

    Psalm 118:1-2; 19-29