Feb 19, 2012
How Deep the Father’s Love
PDF of Sermon Slides for "How Deep the Father's Love" Recording of "Come, O Thou Traveler Unknown"  sung during both worship services on 2-19-12 by Joy Tinsley, accompanied by Bob Brydge. This hymn by Charles Wesley is referenced in Pastor Bob's sermon.
This is the third and last in our sermon series "That's the Power of Love."  In a world whose definitions of love are so skewed and shallow, how can we know what it truly means to love deeply? How do we begin to plumb the depths of God's love? 
       The first reasonable place to look is in God's Holy Word. We then examine our own personal experiences of God's love. We listen to the voices of those who through the centuries have given us unique insights into that love. And finally, we open ourselves to the leading and comfort of God's Holy Spirit.
         If you have felt a distance from God's love... if you have wondered how God could love such a sinner... if  you have despaired of ever feeling that love again... this Sunday's message is for you.
  • Feb 19, 2012How Deep the Father’s Love
    Feb 19, 2012
    How Deep the Father’s Love
    PDF of Sermon Slides for "How Deep the Father's Love" Recording of "Come, O Thou Traveler Unknown"  sung during both worship services on 2-19-12 by Joy Tinsley, accompanied by Bob Brydge. This hymn by Charles Wesley is referenced in Pastor Bob's sermon.
    This is the third and last in our sermon series "That's the Power of Love."  In a world whose definitions of love are so skewed and shallow, how can we know what it truly means to love deeply? How do we begin to plumb the depths of God's love? 
           The first reasonable place to look is in God's Holy Word. We then examine our own personal experiences of God's love. We listen to the voices of those who through the centuries have given us unique insights into that love. And finally, we open ourselves to the leading and comfort of God's Holy Spirit.
             If you have felt a distance from God's love... if you have wondered how God could love such a sinner... if  you have despaired of ever feeling that love again... this Sunday's message is for you.
  • Feb 12, 2012Conquer Through Love
    Feb 12, 2012
    Conquer Through Love
    PDF of Sermon Slides - Conquer Through Love" Moneyball Movie Clip (one-minute sermon illustration - save to your computer and play back). Pastor Bob uses this brief exchange in the movie Moneyball to build a metaphor for the Christian life.
    What does it mean that we are "more than conquerors" (Romans 8:37)? The entire chapter of Romans 8 builds and builds to the magnificent truth that through God's love in Christ Jesus we are "hyper-overcomers." The Apostle Paul calls us to live into this great truth and reflect the light of the Spirit of God within us. In Pastor Bob's reflections on this powerful passage, we are reminded that Jesus did not conquer death so that we might live in fear - he calls us to "run the bases of life" fully aware that Jesus has already "hit the ball out of the park." Through his love, we have already conquered everything life and death can throw at us.   
  • Feb 5, 2012Love Without Fear
    Feb 5, 2012
    Love Without Fear
    Open this PDF of this sermon's PowerPoint slides
    This Sunday we begin a new sermon series "That's The Power of Love!" Our first topic, "Love Without Fear," examines the truth revealed in the fourth chapter of 1st John that "perfect love casts out all fear." What does it mean to be so secure in our love for God, for each other, for self that we cease to live out of our fears and insecurities - and to live into the perfect love of God revealed in Jesus Christ?
  • Jan 29, 2012No Fear of Death
    Jan 29, 2012
    No Fear of Death
    Series: No Fear
    Note:  This is the "full version" of slides that includes more Scriptures than were actually used in the audio sermon.
    In the early 20th century, Americans often referred to Alaska as "The Last Frontier." The 1960's television show "Star Trek" referred to space as "The Final Frontier." For most of us, the ultimate frontier is neither the wilderness of Alaska or the wideness of space - it is the withering, daunting reality of death.
           Does the fear of death and dying drain your heart and spirit of an enthusiasm for life? Have you adapted to this fear by careful avoidance of the subject - or have you allowed God and his word to instruct and reassure you that death has indeed "lost its sting" through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the final in our four-part series: "No Fear."
  • Jan 22, 2012No Fear of Poverty
    Jan 22, 2012
    No Fear of Poverty
    Series: No Fear

    PDF of sermon slides: "No Fear of Poverty"

    Financial security is our culture's most worshiped idol. The threat of financial impoverishment hangs over the elderly and "almost-elderly." Forecasts of drastic cuts in government programs; the collapse of investment funds; and an uncertain future for our nation's economy multiply the stress.
           This Sunday's message looks at the ways in which our worries and fears about financial security subvert our faith. The Scriptures have very specific principles for the handling of wealth, as well as reassurances that even in the toughest of financial times we can know a peace and assurance of God's true blessings that are beyond the world's understanding.
           Pastor Bob recounts the fearless faithfulness of Joseph in Genesis, as he relies on God in all circumstances, and shares a number of New Testament Scriptures to remind us that while none of us is guaranteed material prosperity, we are all guaranteed God's providential love.
  • Jan 15, 2012No Fear of Judgment
    Jan 15, 2012
    No Fear of Judgment
    Series: No Fear
    Are you someone who lives in fear of others' opinions? Do the fads and trends of society dictate your decisions? Do you feel comfortable "marching to your own drummer" or do you constantly hold up a finger to see which way the wind is blowing before making a decision?
           If you struggle with the fear of being judged and criticized by others; if you can't bear the ostracism that sometimes comes with being true to yourself and your beliefs, this Sunday's sermon "No Fear of Judgment" is for you.
  • Jan 8, 2012No Fear of Failure
    Jan 8, 2012
    No Fear of Failure
    Series: No Fear

    PDF File of Sermon Slides:  Fear of Failure

    This Sunday we began a four-week examination of four universal fears that dominate the lives of human beings: the fears of failure, of judgment, of poverty, and of death. Over a hundred times in the Bible we are told to "fear not." Unreasonable fear can dominate our hearts and minds to the point that we are unable to act with faith in God's providential care. Our January sermon series will explain how these fears battle with God's Spirit for dominion over our hearts and - when allowed to grow unchecked - can lead to a paralyzing impotency that robs us of the joy and power of our life in Christ.
           If you or someone you know struggle with one or all of these fears, I hope you'll join us over the next four Sundays. By God's grace you may hear a word of encouragement that will make an eternal difference in your life.
  • Jan 1, 2012Born to Give Us Second Birth
    Jan 1, 2012
    Born to Give Us Second Birth
    The last sermon in our series, "The Journey to Christmas," takes a look at the visit of the magi or wisemen to the home of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus in Bethlehem. Matthew's account (Matthew 2)  is not recounted by any of the other gospel writers and has a unique message concerning the identity of Jesus. Herod the Great lived in terror of a threat to his throne and sought to destroy the infant Jesus. The chief priests and scribes chose to ignore him. The magi honored and worshiped him. What is our response? Here is the PowerPoint Slide Show used in this sermon.
  • Dec 25, 2011Do You Hear What I Hear?
    Dec 25, 2011
    Do You Hear What I Hear?

    Do you hear what I hear?

    I wonder what I would have heard had I been there that night in Bethlehem. Would I have heard the choirs of angels singing or simply the sounds of sheep in the fields? Would I have seen the glory of the Lord all around or just a bunch of shepherds staring up at a cold night sky? Wou1d I have discerned the divine presence, or simply the chill of a cold east wind? Would I have perceived the presence of God in a little baby boy, or would the cosmic implications of that evening have passed me by? shepherds and starsI am convinced that had two people been there that night in Bethlehem, standing in the same place, seeing the same scenes, hearing the same sounds,  it is quite possible that they could have walked away with very different conclusions as to what had occurred. I believe this because my life experience tells me it is not only possible but likely. God never presents himself in revelation in a manner in which we are forced to believe in his presence or power. We are always left with options in our interpretations of events, for God has gifted us not only with free will but with free imaginations. Thus, one person can say "It’s a miracle, while another says "It's a coincidence." One person sees only a shooting star, another calls it a sign from heaven. One sees the birth of a child as the routine result of biological forces; another calls the child a miracle and a gift from God. Certainly very few people in Palestine saw and heard and understood what took place that night as the most momentous moment in human history. The choirs of angels singing were drowned out by the haggling and trading going on in the Jerusalem bazaar. On that night or on a night soon after there was a bright star in the sky moving toward Bethlehem, but the only ones apparently to pay any attention to it were pagan astrologers from the East. If anyone did see Mary and Joseph and their newborn child on that most fateful night, they were too preoccupied with their own problems to offer any assistance. You see, what we see and what we hear in life depends not upon the events themselves, but rather on who we are as people. It's not what is out there but what is inside of us that determines our interpretation of life.
  • Dec 18, 2011From Nazareth to Bethlehem
    Dec 18, 2011
    From Nazareth to Bethlehem
    We continue our series with a look at the details of Mary and Joseph's journey from "Nazareth to Bethlehem" and the circumstances that resulted in the birth of the Messiah taking place in a stable!